
Snake game using arduino uno and led dot matrix display MAX7219

 Snake game using arduino uno and led dot matrix display MAX7219 Components required Arduino UNO R3 LED dot matrix display MAX7219 Dual axis XY joystick module 10k ohm potentiometer  Bread board  Jumper wire Circuit diagram Connections Connect the +5v  and GND pin of the joystick to 5v and GND pin of arduino. Connect the VRX and VRY pins of joystick to A1 and A2 pin of arduino . Connect the Vcc and GND pins of LED display to 5v and GND pins of arduino. Connect the DIN, CS & CLK PIN OF LED display to 12, 11 &10 pins of arduino. Connect the 1st fixed end of the POT to the 5v pin of arduino and 2nd fixed end to GND of arduino. Connect the variable end of POT to the A5 pin of the arduino. CODE #include "LedControl.h" // LedControl library is used for controlling a LED matrix. Find it using Library Manager or download zip here: // --------------------------------------------------------------- // // ------------------------- user config

Ardiuno 8*8 LED matrix display MAX7219

  ARDUINO 8*8 LED MATRIX DISPLAY MAX7219 In this instructable I'm going to show you how to Interface with LED matrix using an Arduino and MAX7219 IC, this project can be used to make low resolution images using LEDs. This project is very simple to build and serves as a basics to getting started with controlling a large number of LEDs using the Arduino Uno. SEE THE FULL TUTORIAL VIDEO  For this project we will be using the MAX7219 which is display driver IC, which works with SPI communication. An 8x8 LED matrix has 64 Pins in total if all the cathodes are connected together while an Arudino has only 14 digital pins, and the Arduino is not capable of providing 64 LEDs with enough current so we use the MAX7219, which needs only two Arduino pins to control the LEDS. Here is the list of components required to build this project - Arduino Uno 8x8 LED matrix with MAX7219  Jumper Wire Connections  MAX7219 CLK   => Arduino digital pin8 MAX7219 CS     => Arduino digital pin9 MAX7219 DI

All you need to know about servomotors

All you need to know about servomotors – Abstract : The servo motor is most commonly used for high technology devices in the industrial applications like automation technology. It is a self contained electrical device, that rotates parts of machine with high efficiency and great precision. Moreover the output shaft of this motor can be moved to a particular angle. Servo motors are mainly used in home electronics, toys, cars, airplanes and many more devices. Thus this blog discusses the definition, types, mechanism, principle, working, controlling, and lastly the applications of a servo machine. Definition : A servo motor is a rotary actuator or a motor that allows for a precise control in terms of the angular position, acceleration, and velocity. Basically it has certain capabilities that a regular motor does not have. Consequently it makes use of a regular motor and pairs it with a sensor for position feedback . Types of servo motors : Servo motors can be of different types on the bas

The Buzz wire Game

How to make the simple Buzz wire game    Circuit diagram                                       Buzz wire is a steady hand game that is well known to many as a table top amusement. Buzz wire is a challenging and competitive game where you are playing the number of touches against time. The player has to get the right balance between speed and skill in order to obtain the a successful score. For those of you who don’t know the game, the aim is to guide the grip mounted loop through the wire maze  without touching the loop against the metal maze all the way to the end. If the metal loop touches the maze, even for a fraction of a second, the alarm will sound and the player must start again. The winner will be the player who reaches the end of the maze in the quickest time. In this project you will make your own buzz wire game. Materials required- GI wire (ss wire) Battery 2AA Battery Holder 2AA Buzzer 3-Volt LED (2.5-V ~ 3-V) Connection Wire  Cardboard box Steps to build your BUZZ Wire gam

How to wire a circuit in Parallel

How to Wire a Circuit "In Parallel" There are two basic types of electrical circuits; series and parallel. A complex circuit can consist of sub circuits of each kind. In a series circuit, the path of electrons from the negative (-) side to the positive (+) side goes through all the electrical components of the circuit. Another way to think of this is that if you open the circuit at one point, on either side of a component, there is no complete path for the electrons to follow from - to + for any of the components. A good example of this for those of you old enough to remember is the old style Christmas lights where if one light were to burn out, the whole series of lights would go out. Series circuits are used extensively in electronics but rarely by someone who is providing power to electrical components such as supplying power to a group of lights as in the case of low voltage LED lights sold by Berkeley Point. A simple schematic of a series circuit containing three electri

How to make Automatic Sanitizer dispenser

How to make Automatic Sanitizer dispenser Circuit diagram Components required IR sensor LM293D motordriver Jumper wire Battery Battery cap DC pump Empty container Fuel pipe Zip tie Construction  As we can see in the circuit diagram connect the Vcc pin of IR sensor to 5v of the motordriver. Connect the Digital pin of the IR sensor to the C1-A of the motordriver. Connect the ground pin to the common ground pin of the motordriver. Connect the 9v battery to the motordriver. Connect the DC pump to the M1 pin of the motordriver board.